Saturday, December 25, 2004

Presents 1

OH BOY!! Santa left us some presents!! They smell YUMMY!

Presents 2

Mommm! Cocoa took my present! Make her give it back!

Presents 3

Well you weren't opening it fast enough! LOOK! LOOK what we got! Chewy treats that taste like CHEESE!

Presents 4

SEE! Now this is how you open a present - you have to use your whole face!

Presents 5

*kiss kiss* Now you try it - go ahead....try

Presents 6

I know Mom, I know, but the kisses did me in - I have to let her have her way *sigh*

Presents 7

*big sigh* no more presents to open and Mommy said two of each treat was enough for now *sigh* I am so unloved *sob* Oh poor me! I'm just gonna sit here the rest of the night, sad and hungry for more treats *big dramatic sigh*

Presents 8

So we are done opening presents right? No more treats for now right? OK then let's go OUTSIDE!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Singin' Scooby 1

Oh look Mom put that silly singin' Scooby stocking up again this year

Singin' Scooby 2

OMG!! What the h*ll is that?! It's trying to say something - Grizz get away from it!!

Singin' Scooby 3

Don't worry Cocoa grrrr I'll save you chomp grrrr

Singin' Scooby 4

hmmmm how do I make this thing start singin' again? *nudge nudge* Can't be a hero *nudge* if I have nothing to *sniff nudge* protect Cocoa from!

Singin' Scooby 5

grrr chomp grrrrr Didn't I tell you to stop scarin' my girl Cocoa?! grrr grrrr

Singin' Scooby 6

Just a few more *tug* thrashes to make it look convincing *thrash tug* grrrrrrr I have beaten the singin' Scooby stocking - you're safe now Cocoa! *wink wink*

Tuesday, December 21, 2004


Did someone say steak for dinner? I'll fire up the BBQ pit, Mom and Dad you get the steaks ready!

Monday, December 20, 2004

Outside 1

Hey Guys, LOOK!

Outside 2

What? What is it?!

Outside 3

Up there! In the tree!!

Outside 4

Do you see anything Grizz? I'm at a loss here!

Outside 5

No you're not missing anything - there is nothing there!

Outside 6

Cazz is losin it, maybe he needs to curl back up in his nest and nap a while!

Outside 7

You go ahead and keep looking - I'm moving on.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

As Told By Red 1

You still here? OK well that must mean you want to read more about ME, certainly you don't care about those silly furs I live with!

As Told By Red 2

See Mom had me do the red thingy too but she doesn't ask that I stay on it long - she's afraid I might poop on it - ya know what - she should be afraid.......very afraid

As Told By Red 3

Remember I told you I spent months picking at the corner of the couch - well here is my handy work - isn't it great?! I don't know why it upsets Mom and Dad so much.... I mean really, just cuz they aren't done paying for the couch yet why be upset?

As Told By Red 4

See what she does! As if she is ashamed of all my hard work! Covered with a blanket! HOW RUDE! That's fine - let's see what she does when I make a deposit on that nice clean blanket! *mumble mumble* cover my work will she *mumble mumble*

As Told By Red 5

Hmmm it is a rather long way to the floor.........DUH!........HELLO!.....I'm a BIRD.....WINGS..........FLY......that's it, I'm climbin higher!

As Told By Red 6

Just.....a little.......higher..........

As Told By Red 7

Hey look at me I'm like those cats on that website!
Here's the site for those of you that haven't seen it yet! Tree Decorating 101

As Told By Red 8

Hey Grizz and Cocoa look at me - I'm in the big scary tree ooooooo it's gonna get me ooooooo so scary someone save me! HA HA HA HA HA HA

As Told By Red 9

OK are you gonna make me do my PUFF I'm bigger then you thing or are you going to stop taking my picture? I'm ready for ya - make a choice.

As Told By Red 10

Well how embarrassing! You cover up the work I did on your couch but you leave the hole I made in my cage cover out for everyone to see! I see how you are! I'm going over here to pout. No No don't try to make nice now, damage is done *sob*

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Humiliation 1

Oh good grief! This is only sposed to happen to other furs, not me! Cocoa don't just lay there and look cute do something to mess up the picture - see like this look off to the side or something!!

Humiliation 2

"OK!! I'm gonna grab your back leg and pull it up over your head! How's that for messing up a picture? Now if I could just get your back leg out from under you...." "Oh Cocoa you are so embarrassing! The utter shame of it all!"

Humiliation 3

OK so the back leg over the head thing didn't work. How about if I stuff the entire red thing under us so Mom can't see it anymore? Huh? Whadaya think?" "Do what you want, I am going to clean myself and try to get over you attempting to pull my back leg over my head!"

Humiliation 4

Casper gave one bark from the backyard and both of them were gone before I could catch the cute pose they were finally in! UGH!

Humiliation 5

DAD!! Don't just stand there watching her do this! HELP ME!!

Humiliation 6

I see Dad is going to be no help. I will have to take matters into my own paws and try to crawl out of this thing! This red thing was OK when we were laying on it but this, THIS is going too far! I see you over there laughing Grizz, KNOCK IT OFF!

Humiliation 7

Take this! GRRRR and this! BAROOOOWL I don't like you red thing! Let's see how cute Mom thinks it is when I tear this red thing up!

Humiliation 8

I can't believe I am sitting here on the couch with this dumb tree skirt on! I am so glad Cazz can't see me, with my luck silly Cocoa will tell him! *sigh* The things I put up with for Mom!

Humiliation 9

Maybe if I just look up, smile, and let her take the picture she'll take this off me faster - a guy can hope can't he? *sigh*

Humiliation 10

That's it! I'm done! I don't care if Mom needs more pictures or not - there is only so much a guy can stand! COCOA! STOP LAUGHING!!

Humiliation 11

"Cocoa help me get this blasted thing off!" "OK, OK, a little tug here, now walk a little forward.....You know I love Mom and I know you really love Mom but if she comes home with antlers for us to wear I'm bitin' her!" "I'm with you on that one Cocoa - the tree skirt cape thing was enough!"

Humiliation 12

Did y'all see what Mom did to those silly furs? I was laughing so hard my feathers almost fell out! Oh I tell ya the fun around here never stops!

Friday, December 17, 2004

As The Fur Flies 10

So tonight I go through our normal nighttime routine. Cocoa and Grizz in, go let Cazz out of his run, give Cazz scritches as I listen to Grizz throw himself against the door in protest (goofy boy), give Cazz his last treat for the night, give him his nite nite hug and watch him trot off to begin his patrol. I go back inside Grizz returns to a sane fur and Cocoa stands at the ready waiting for me to say "Go play". I give the play command her feet of course start moving but no forward motion is occurring (I swear one of these days she is gonna figure this tile out! LOL) Grizz by now has walked over to Cocoa who has made only a few inches progress and nudges her - this allows her to get a good enough "grip" on the tile to take off and round the corner into the living room only to stop dead in her tracks - it was one of those cartoon moments - she put her brakes on so fast if the carpet could have bunched up in front of her it would have LOL She took one look at the tree in the corner of the entry hall and went into her version of attack mode.

Crouch down, bark bark bark, inch a bit closer, bark bark bark, and lunge - get pricked on the nose, jump back and bark bark bark. Grizz on the other hand took the direct approach - charged right up to it bark bark bark, sniff sniff, growl, sniff recognize one of these things has been in the house before, walk away feeling silly for barking in the first place, sit down watch Cocoa make a fool of herself. Cocoa eventually gave up but not before causing my sides to ache with laughter. I can hardly wait to see what she does tomorrow when it's actually in the livingroom where it belongs!

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Feathered & Flustered 3

IT'S BACK!! IT'S BACK!! The missing piece of couch is back - some strange men came and dropped it off - and you know the best part? My torn up corner is still there! Mom isn't too happy about that, said something about they were sposed to have fixed that part. I don't care I am just happy the missing part is back! Oh such a relief!

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Catnip & More

This blog belongs to Zeus the twelve toed cat - that's six toes on each front foot! He writes about his adventures and on occasion his sisters will make entries as well - make sure you check it out.

Just Futzin' Around

Just Futzin' Around
This is my other blog - nothing too exciting just an entry here and an entry there about events in my life.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Feathers & Fur 1

So tonight as I am reading thru emails I hear a bit of a commotion in our room – I look over and there is Red walkin across the floor like he owns the place. Cocoa is sitting a good distance away from Red (keeping her tail safe I am sure LOL) and Grizz is right there with his nose on Red’s back. Every now and then Red stops, fluffs up, and squawks at Grizz – Grizz just looks at him and pokes Red with his nose again. Red and Grizz end up over by the mirror and being the vain little babies they are, both stop and look in the mirror! Grizz plopped down and gazed at himself while Red paced back and forth watching that other bird do the same thing! The trance was broken when Cocoa sneezed. Grizz suddenly realized he was sposed to be harassing Red and Red realized he was sposed to be trying to get to me. Grizz kept poking him; Cocoa wanted to join in but didn’t (tail issues again). Red finally gave up trying to get in the puter room and climbed up on the bed – walked to the edge and looked at Grizz as if to say "I am the winner, YOU can’t touch me neener neener neener!" Grizz plopped down next to the bed, Cocoa curled up next to him and Red gave a squawk of victory while ruffling himself up sending feathers everywhere (gotta love it when they molt – NOT!) I went in and picked up the victorious Red and plunked him right on Grizzly’s back. Grizz started walking around the house trying to figure out how to get Red off him while Red in the meantime did his PUFF I’m bigger then you act – it was a sight to see for sure!

Feathers & Fur 2

Red finally climbed down Grizzly’s leg and came to find me in the kitchen. I picked him up and put him on the bar above the sink so we could talk while I cleaned dishes. Red wasn’t real happy with me and to make his point he climbed up on my water glass and fluffed up. I tried to reason with him but he was hearing none of it!

Feathers & Fur 3

The more I talked the less he listened - he literally tried to drown me out! Just in case I thought I was bigger then he was he put out his wings to serve as warning! LOL

Sunday, December 05, 2004

As The Fur Flies 9

If there are any furs out there reading this maybe you can help me, humans don't seem to be much help around here! The other day I was rolling on my back in Mom & Dad's room and I noticed to the right of me the sleek, beautiful, tan and white dog was back. Now I have seen this dog before and she doesn't seem all that bad - I mean it would be nice if she would stop doing everything I do but I guess she has no imagination. Anyway I try to get her to talk and she never answers, but the weirdest part is when I go to either side to grab her and get her away from the wall there is no more dog there! Grizzly is no help he seems to like that there is a dog just like him that does what he does but doesn't come away from the wall to play - but then Grizzly is a little stuck up, not his fault, just his nature since he's a Chow and all. The humans both just watch and laugh. *sigh* I think I am going to stop trying to be friends with this other dog if I see her again. Maybe next time I will growl at her to see if it scares her away! If anyone has any answers please let me know - I am so confused by all this!

Just Another Blog

My friend Lynnette has gotten into blogging as well - check out her site
Just Another Blog

Squirrel Patrol

As you can see Grizzly takes the laid back approach to squirrel watching. Cocoa and Casper however are ever watchful, never know when a squirrel will be silly enough to come within reach!

Sorry the pic is so grainy it was taken looking out our bedroom window