Sunday, July 09, 2006

**Big Sigh**

It's so hard being a Princess.......

Some day my Prince will come and whisk me away from all this............

OH! Uh Hi Mom! You heard all that did ya? Didn't mean it, love it here!


At 6:50 AM, Blogger Merlin & MeiMei said...

Listen Princess, seeing as you are sitting at bistro table, why not put your paw in the air, flail it around and order yourself a nice, freshing picker-upper like canine cola or something.

Rule #1 of being a princess.... ALWAYS exercise your Princess rights! Demand service!

At 10:49 AM, Blogger Merlin & MeiMei said...

Rule #2 of being a Princess

Remember to ALWAYS; complain complain , whine like there's no tomorrow, refuse everything and anything first, sulk, swoon and be exceedingly difficult! (and not necessarily in that order)

At 9:16 AM, Blogger Merlin & MeiMei said...

Rule #3 of being a Princess

Always immediately turn your nose up at dinner... or take a mouth full, and spit it out and say: Patouey, patouey... you call this dinner?

Sit and wait for a steak or pork chop to rain from the heavens and fall on the floor in front of you.

If you have to wait more than 3 minutes, be sure to throw a huge temper tantrum!


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