Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Red's 13th Bird-Day

I know I have been bad about this blog but havin to place Sanford just took the wind out of my sails for a while - I have a ton of pics to get up here and will eventually but today is all about Red! He turns 13 today!!

So on this soggy 4th of July morning nobody felt like cooking - McDonald's it is! We ate our fill with Red hangin off his cage shakin his head from side to side squawkin (translation: It's my birthday I am THE Bird - gimme food!)
Of course he was given what he wanted!

Red: For me? Really? This is all such a surprise!

Red: Thaaaanksssss Mom!

Red: mmmphh dis is mmphh good!

Red: Ever notice how much better food tasted when it's fed to you?

Red: Little sip of o.j. to wash things down - oh this is all so good!


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