Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Feathers & Fur 1

So tonight as I am reading thru emails I hear a bit of a commotion in our room – I look over and there is Red walkin across the floor like he owns the place. Cocoa is sitting a good distance away from Red (keeping her tail safe I am sure LOL) and Grizz is right there with his nose on Red’s back. Every now and then Red stops, fluffs up, and squawks at Grizz – Grizz just looks at him and pokes Red with his nose again. Red and Grizz end up over by the mirror and being the vain little babies they are, both stop and look in the mirror! Grizz plopped down and gazed at himself while Red paced back and forth watching that other bird do the same thing! The trance was broken when Cocoa sneezed. Grizz suddenly realized he was sposed to be harassing Red and Red realized he was sposed to be trying to get to me. Grizz kept poking him; Cocoa wanted to join in but didn’t (tail issues again). Red finally gave up trying to get in the puter room and climbed up on the bed – walked to the edge and looked at Grizz as if to say "I am the winner, YOU can’t touch me neener neener neener!" Grizz plopped down next to the bed, Cocoa curled up next to him and Red gave a squawk of victory while ruffling himself up sending feathers everywhere (gotta love it when they molt – NOT!) I went in and picked up the victorious Red and plunked him right on Grizzly’s back. Grizz started walking around the house trying to figure out how to get Red off him while Red in the meantime did his PUFF I’m bigger then you act – it was a sight to see for sure!


At 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally loved this one. I loved them all - dang, I wish I had my husband, or anyone in my family that loved my animals like I do and you all do. I am jealous!!!
What a wonderful, and beautiful, and very funny blog. God Bless you and your husband for loving your animals so, so very much.
Bobbie & Birds & catz


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