Friday, December 17, 2004

As The Fur Flies 10

So tonight I go through our normal nighttime routine. Cocoa and Grizz in, go let Cazz out of his run, give Cazz scritches as I listen to Grizz throw himself against the door in protest (goofy boy), give Cazz his last treat for the night, give him his nite nite hug and watch him trot off to begin his patrol. I go back inside Grizz returns to a sane fur and Cocoa stands at the ready waiting for me to say "Go play". I give the play command her feet of course start moving but no forward motion is occurring (I swear one of these days she is gonna figure this tile out! LOL) Grizz by now has walked over to Cocoa who has made only a few inches progress and nudges her - this allows her to get a good enough "grip" on the tile to take off and round the corner into the living room only to stop dead in her tracks - it was one of those cartoon moments - she put her brakes on so fast if the carpet could have bunched up in front of her it would have LOL She took one look at the tree in the corner of the entry hall and went into her version of attack mode.

Crouch down, bark bark bark, inch a bit closer, bark bark bark, and lunge - get pricked on the nose, jump back and bark bark bark. Grizz on the other hand took the direct approach - charged right up to it bark bark bark, sniff sniff, growl, sniff recognize one of these things has been in the house before, walk away feeling silly for barking in the first place, sit down watch Cocoa make a fool of herself. Cocoa eventually gave up but not before causing my sides to ache with laughter. I can hardly wait to see what she does tomorrow when it's actually in the livingroom where it belongs!


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