Sunday, December 05, 2004

As The Fur Flies 9

If there are any furs out there reading this maybe you can help me, humans don't seem to be much help around here! The other day I was rolling on my back in Mom & Dad's room and I noticed to the right of me the sleek, beautiful, tan and white dog was back. Now I have seen this dog before and she doesn't seem all that bad - I mean it would be nice if she would stop doing everything I do but I guess she has no imagination. Anyway I try to get her to talk and she never answers, but the weirdest part is when I go to either side to grab her and get her away from the wall there is no more dog there! Grizzly is no help he seems to like that there is a dog just like him that does what he does but doesn't come away from the wall to play - but then Grizzly is a little stuck up, not his fault, just his nature since he's a Chow and all. The humans both just watch and laugh. *sigh* I think I am going to stop trying to be friends with this other dog if I see her again. Maybe next time I will growl at her to see if it scares her away! If anyone has any answers please let me know - I am so confused by all this!


At 6:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, first of all, go to your Humans and ask them to tell you the story of the sleek, tan and white Guardian Angel. I'm not sure, but I think that's who your seeing.

Ask them to explain the whoooooooole story to you.
Hmmm, you might understand. and ask the Humans to keep giving you cookies while they're explaining. That should help you understand even more!



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