Tuesday, July 18, 2006

From The Health Department???

Red was very busy tonight - after inspecting the veggies I was using for dinner he decided to check out the contents of the fridge (I must learn to close that door after I get out what I need!)

Hmmm let's check the jelly first. Good, good, it hasn't expired

What is it you are storing up there?

I'll just climb up and take a peek

What odd looking fruit - why do they have caps on them? I guess since they have lids they are still fresh - I'll let ya make it, you have passed inspection.


At 9:14 AM, Blogger Merlin & MeiMei said...

What a busy little beaver you are Red!
I hope you get some well derseved rest at the end of the inspection work! If not you can complain to the Dept of B I R D (Bedrest Is what Red Deserves) LOL


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