Monday, June 21, 2004

As The Fur Flies 4


So I'm sitting at the recliner end of the sectional with the footrest up - Grizz curled up on the footrest between my feet and Cocoa curled up at my side. I'm reading my book with the blanket thrown over me cuz the ceiling fan is doing a great job of cooling the room! Course ALG is asleep in the bedroom and doesn't know the furs are on the couch so all is right with the world. LOL As I'm reading I feel Cocoa moving and a tug at my blanket - figured Cocoa was just readjusting and didn't pay it much mind till there was a second tug and my blanket was being pulled off of me! I looked over and to my amusement Cocoa was pulling the blanket over her - I watched for a while as she tugged the blanket over her - I couldn't help but laugh. She was content and went back to sleep after my blanket was completely off me and all on her! The Brat!! I of course pulled my blanket back over me thus waking Princess Cocoa who sat straight up and looked at me in a very disgusted manner! LOL I readjusted the blanket so I was covered again and held it up told her to come on - she positioned herself so she would be totally covered by the blanket with her head in my lap - all was right with the world again.................

Friday, June 18, 2004

As The Fur Flies 3


Cocoa had her first stare down............with herself - she discovered the full length mirror in our bedroom. Grizz of course tried to show her how it worked by walking up to it and posing and looking at the oh so handsome fella looking back at him but Cocoa didn't get it - all she knew was there were suddenly 4 dogs when there used to be 2. Grizz took another look at himself assuring that he was indeed a very handsome guy and walked away - not our Cocoa - no our girl had to figure this out. She crouched down and barked at the mirror trying to scare the other dog away I am sure. When this didn't work she pawed at the mirror and whined - I guess begging the other dog to leave. Neither approach worked, that other dog was still there - ok time for stronger measures the pounce and poke approach - it gets Grizz's attention.....pounce! POKE! Nothing. The other dog was still there and didn't even respond to the poke - the nerve! The mirror sits on the floor so it is a bit out from the wall at the base Cocoa noticed this and decided the rest of this pesky dog must be behind the mirror. She crept ever so slowly up to the mirror then quickly moved to the left and jammed her head behind the mirror in hopes of catching the dog. No luck. *sigh* Well nothing left to do but stare the other dog down - Cocoa pressed her entire face (forehead to nose) against the mirror and gave a low rumbling growl - she stayed this way a long time - I finally called her away – she left but not without reservations. Grizz who was sitting watching all of this with me just looked at her then at me as if to say "she is so NOT a Chow!" and walked away in disgust. Cocoa later took a stuffy over to the other dog who for some odd reason wouldn’t engage in a game of tug the stuffy – she left to find Grizz LOL

Thursday, June 17, 2004

As The Fur Flies 2


Well I didn’t have to wait long to see what Cocoa was going to do next! It has been raining all morning – we have been up since 6a when ALG left for work. I let Grizz and Cocoa out after putting Cazz back in his run (he flew to his doghouse – why he won’t go in there when he’s not closed in his run is beyond me!) Anyway Grizz flew out the door and was squishing in mud before he realized it was raining – he decided he didn’t care he had to potty! Cocoa on the other hand looked at me as if I had lost total control of my mind. "You want me to go where? Get MY feet wet? You simply must be kidding!" So I picked her up and plunked her outside this of course was met with the "Oh why do you hate me so much, I haven’t done anything to you" look. I ended her torture a few moments later. She and Grizz came in and very patiently waited to get their feet wiped but once the feet were done Cocoa was gone, Grizz looked up at me as if to say "Here she goes again mama!" There she went indeed, back legs scrambling to get a good grip on the tile floor – she look much like a cartoon legs moving but no forward progress being made! She finally got out of the kitchen and onto the carpet so catapulted herself into the living room almost ending up in the fireplace! She again scooped up a stuffy (since our house has become her toy box they are EVERYWHERE!) and off on her tear she went. This time Grizz just stood next to me and watched her race down the hall through the computer room to the master bedroom back out into the hall through the computer room… She was at it so long Grizz finally sat down LOL When she was finished she came and looked at Grizz, barked and then tackled him – Grizz just laid down on the floor and looked at her, understanding he was in for yet another wrestling match. Since he was rather uninterested Cocoa had to do all the work, she gave a tug to a leg, no response – grabbed an ear, no response, pulled his tail, still no response – this aggravates her to no end – she wants to play and he wants to nap! When this happens Cocoa goes into pounce and poke mode. She moves her body so her front feet come up off the ground just a slight bit then when she lands back on the floor she pokes her snout at Grizz – she starts with his tummy and moves up to his face – jump poke, jump poke, poor Grizz! He tolerates it till she gets to his face then he grabs a cheek and gives a pinch – she jumps back into a crouch and baarrowwls at him – this goes on for a good 15-20 minutes.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

As The Fur Flies 1


Last night per our usual routine, I let Casper the dancing dog out of his run – he dances on his hinds until I get to the gate to let him out – he had his treats and had, had enough of mommy giving him scritches, he knows I’m trying to remove undercoat at the same time and he’s not having’ it! He’s off and running to patrol the yard and pee on my bushes. *sigh* I come into the house to find Grizz who of course has been throwing himself against the backdoor in utter disbelief that I have left him in the house while I went out (not like we haven’t had the same routine for two years now!) and of course Cocoa who calmly sits there and watches Grizz lose his mind while I am outside with Cazz. Once I am inside though the calm is over. Grizz and Cocoa register that I am in and off they go! Cocoa tears into the living room scooping up whichever stuffy is in her path, turns and begins her tear at top speed through the house. Red, not to be left out starts screaming as if he is a blow by blow commentator. LOL Grizz in the meantime follows her to the living room then strategically places himself in the kitchen by the hall so when she finished the first round of her tear he can pounce. Here she comes top speed, moving too fast, there goes Grizz into the air, lands on Cocoa’s back causing her to lose footing, they are now a tangled mess of fur rolling into the living room from the speed of the impact. Red is screeching, pacing back and forth, wings flapping...not real sure who he's rooting for! LOL They jump up as if nothing has happened and begin to wrestle. Grizz has the upper paw for the moment and has Cocoa on her back no wait now Cocoa is taking the lead and Grizz is on the floor tummy down, feet sprawled, Cocoa on his ear. Red, still squawking. Grizz isn’t out though he quickly rolls over to his back kicks his feet causing Cocoa to jump back and "ruff". Cocoa is back on her tear, Grizz stands still and takes nips at her as she passes (which in itself is funny cuz by the time Grizz actually nips, Cocoa is in the other room – the girl is fast!) After Cocoa has had enough racing through the house she tackles Grizz (that’s her version of brakes LOL) the wrestling match has begun again – all you see are two balls of fur rolling around grunting and whining with occasional ruffs thrown in for good measure. Red now disgusted with the entire matter retreats to his cage for a snack. Well last night ALG and I actually wanted them to stop wrestling before they were ready (usually last for about 30 minutes after they come in). We were trying to get settled in to watch LA get their butt handed to them by Detroit. We both called for the dogs to stop – still they wrestled, ALG gave shout, it stopped momentarily. When it started back up I called for them both to come, Grizz knew better but Cocoa came bounding around the couch and jumped into my lap gave a kiss then plopped down on the footrest as if she had been invited! (I was in the recliner part of the sectional) Both ALG and I firmly said "DOWN" right after she did this. She jumped up and stood on the footrest for a second, we said "DOWN" again, she jumped down, turned, sat, looked at ALG and I and let out a barking howl "Baruffoowll, oollllll, oolllllll" we fell apart laughing as she stalked off to curl up with Grizz – it was if she was fussing at us like "HEY! YOU were the ones that called ME remember?!" We laughed till tears flowed. If Cocoa is nothing else she is a daily adventure – curious to see what she does next………

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Picture Of The Feathered Chow Pit Crew

(left to right) Casper, Cocoa, Grizzly, and Red (front)