Monday, June 21, 2004

As The Fur Flies 4


So I'm sitting at the recliner end of the sectional with the footrest up - Grizz curled up on the footrest between my feet and Cocoa curled up at my side. I'm reading my book with the blanket thrown over me cuz the ceiling fan is doing a great job of cooling the room! Course ALG is asleep in the bedroom and doesn't know the furs are on the couch so all is right with the world. LOL As I'm reading I feel Cocoa moving and a tug at my blanket - figured Cocoa was just readjusting and didn't pay it much mind till there was a second tug and my blanket was being pulled off of me! I looked over and to my amusement Cocoa was pulling the blanket over her - I watched for a while as she tugged the blanket over her - I couldn't help but laugh. She was content and went back to sleep after my blanket was completely off me and all on her! The Brat!! I of course pulled my blanket back over me thus waking Princess Cocoa who sat straight up and looked at me in a very disgusted manner! LOL I readjusted the blanket so I was covered again and held it up told her to come on - she positioned herself so she would be totally covered by the blanket with her head in my lap - all was right with the world again.................


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