Friday, June 18, 2004

As The Fur Flies 3


Cocoa had her first stare down............with herself - she discovered the full length mirror in our bedroom. Grizz of course tried to show her how it worked by walking up to it and posing and looking at the oh so handsome fella looking back at him but Cocoa didn't get it - all she knew was there were suddenly 4 dogs when there used to be 2. Grizz took another look at himself assuring that he was indeed a very handsome guy and walked away - not our Cocoa - no our girl had to figure this out. She crouched down and barked at the mirror trying to scare the other dog away I am sure. When this didn't work she pawed at the mirror and whined - I guess begging the other dog to leave. Neither approach worked, that other dog was still there - ok time for stronger measures the pounce and poke approach - it gets Grizz's attention.....pounce! POKE! Nothing. The other dog was still there and didn't even respond to the poke - the nerve! The mirror sits on the floor so it is a bit out from the wall at the base Cocoa noticed this and decided the rest of this pesky dog must be behind the mirror. She crept ever so slowly up to the mirror then quickly moved to the left and jammed her head behind the mirror in hopes of catching the dog. No luck. *sigh* Well nothing left to do but stare the other dog down - Cocoa pressed her entire face (forehead to nose) against the mirror and gave a low rumbling growl - she stayed this way a long time - I finally called her away – she left but not without reservations. Grizz who was sitting watching all of this with me just looked at her then at me as if to say "she is so NOT a Chow!" and walked away in disgust. Cocoa later took a stuffy over to the other dog who for some odd reason wouldn’t engage in a game of tug the stuffy – she left to find Grizz LOL


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