Saturday, October 29, 2005

Just Playin' 1

This went on for hours the night Cocoa came home

Just Playin' 2

Just Playin' 3

Uh Mom? What are they doing? Can you make them stop?

Just Playin' 4

Take this! *grab tug*

Just Playin' 5

HEY! Wait! I'm fallin over!

Just Playin' 6

Those two make me tired! Maybe if I ignore them they will stop......doubt it but it's worth a try!

Friday, October 28, 2005


Acting on information given to me from a young lady that saw my flyer I was able to get Cocoa back! I was told where she was and information on those that had her - I called the police and off we went. I waited at a grocery store while the police went to the address - the officer called me 5 minutes later stating he had my dog! OMG! After two weeks of misery was this nightmare really going to be over?! I drove into the apartment complex following the officers directions and as I got out of my car they were bringing Cocoa down. I broke down in tears as soon as I saw her - she got all wiggly and waggly too! The officer informed the woman since she had admitted to him that she and her son were aware of the flyers I put up, knew someone was looking for the dog, and the fact that Cocoa is a high value dog her still having Cocoa constituted theft and I could press charges. I told the officer as long as I had my dog back I had no desire to press charges.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Sasja 1

Lil Bit has been named - ALG named her Sasja - now that she's named I guess she's stayin! This is her favorite nap spot......on top of dirty laundry!

Sasja 2

I see you! What is that thing in your hands that keeps flashin that bright light at me?!

Sasja 3

Ya know I'd really like to get some sleep so if you'd take that flashy thing and go away that would be great!

Sasja 4

You sure are annoying! Why don't you go bother that other brown dog that lives here?

Sasja 5

I'm going to sleep now - Good Night!

Sasja 6


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Lil' Bit 1

A call from one of my flyers resulted in this little girl coming home with me. The guy said he saw the flyer and thought he had my dog so of course I set up a meeting! When I got there and saw her I thought to myself "What?! Is he kidding? She doesn't look a thing like Cocoa!" He went on and on about how his Dad was mad he brought her home and blah blah blah so I told him if he wanted me to I'd take her. He wanted me to - I honestly think that's why he called in the first place! Whatever. I'm callin her Lil' Bit (and on occasion Lil' Shit LOL) figure if I don't name her it won't be so bad if she has to leave!

Lil' Bit 2

She's missing hair in patches all over her back but you can tell it's been treated and is starting to fill in

Friday, October 14, 2005

Horrible News!

When I got home from work Friday October 14th to my horror I found Cocoa had gotten out of the back yard and was missing! I drove the neighborhood calling her name for over 3 hours. No luck. Saturday morning I called all the city animal shelters and made lost reports, put lost reports on missing pet web sites, and made flyers. I posted the flyers all over my subdivision. The waiting began. Daily Grizz and I walked the neighborhood calling Cocoa's name and talking to everyone we saw. The not knowing where she was and that she was ok was just unbearable!