Friday, October 28, 2005


Acting on information given to me from a young lady that saw my flyer I was able to get Cocoa back! I was told where she was and information on those that had her - I called the police and off we went. I waited at a grocery store while the police went to the address - the officer called me 5 minutes later stating he had my dog! OMG! After two weeks of misery was this nightmare really going to be over?! I drove into the apartment complex following the officers directions and as I got out of my car they were bringing Cocoa down. I broke down in tears as soon as I saw her - she got all wiggly and waggly too! The officer informed the woman since she had admitted to him that she and her son were aware of the flyers I put up, knew someone was looking for the dog, and the fact that Cocoa is a high value dog her still having Cocoa constituted theft and I could press charges. I told the officer as long as I had my dog back I had no desire to press charges.


At 12:39 PM, Blogger Merlin & MeiMei said...

Welcome home Cocoa. What an adventure you had. Everyone is happy that you are home, safe and sound.


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