Thursday, December 02, 2004

Feathered & Flustered 1

These two are just unbelievable! All I wanted was a little quality time (and some dinner) with Mom by myself for once but NOOOOO not with these two fur covered miscreants! They just think they are sooo damn cute all the time – especially the one they call Cocoa – she is full of herself all the time rippin’ and runnin’ through the house like her tail is on fire! UGH! It all started when I saw Mom taking a seat on the couch with her dinner – I decided I wanted some of what she was having. I climbed down from my cage and started to walk over to the couch. Well here comes Cocoa being chases by Grizzly (she apparently had an unstuffed stuffy Grizz wanted – dumb furs!) I of course fluffed up all my feathers, spread my wings, and let out screech – because of course when I do all this I look like I am big and scary

See how big and scary I look.....and this is without my feathers at full fluff or my wings out! Anyway on with my story.....

I let out a really loud screech which of course makes the dogs stop what they are doing and look at me "be afraid be very afraid" (that's what my look said to them). Grizz walked right past me and sat next to Mom's feet - oh great the velcro dog act is in full swing now! Cocoa looked at me and laid down right in my path! She really thought she was clever trying to block me from getting to Mom. I let her think I was stumped for a little while as I paced back and forth in front of her - she finally got tired of watching me and I sprung into action. I walked as fast as my little bird legs would carry me down to the end of Cocoa's tail, stopped looked up toward her head to make sure she still wasn't paying any attention to me - she wasn't, I walked closer to her tail and CHOMP! Yup, that's right I bit her tail! She must have jumped 20 feet! HA HA HA HA HA HA it was the funniest thing I have seen in a looooong time! I heard Mom laughing, Grizz looked on unfazed, and Cocoa.....well Cocoa turned to look at me and I did my feather fluff up *PUFF I bigger then you, go away* thing and she left me alone - I know it was cuz I did the puff thing it had nothing to do with Mom calling her name - she was one scared fur and I know it! Now I needed to deal with Grizz - I wanted Mom and her dinner plate to myself! I acted like I was going to climb up the back of the couch, but I really climbed half way up then went to the right, and up onto the cushion, over the cushion, and down toward Grizz who was all curled up on the floor (at Mom's feet of course-UGH!) I very carefully walked to where Grizz was, stopping every now and then to make sure he didn't hear me coming. I got to his tail and CHOMP! Damn! No reaction! I tried again CHOMP! His tail went up and came right back down...on top of me! This was NOT how it was supposed to work - all that hair on his tail messed things up! Mom obviously thought this was flat out hysterical cuz she wouldn't stop laughing.....sure Mom go ahead, laugh. *pout* My bruised ego and I stayed on the floor for a while before giving up and climbing up the couch and heading toward Mom and her dinner. Mom was still giggling at me as I climbed the back of her shirt - I got on her shoulder and instead of giving her a kiss like I usually do I bit her ear! Well that's what she gets for laughing at me! She fussed at me for doing that - I know it was mean but my feelings were hurt! She put me down on the edge of the TV tray and I walked over to her plate like it was mine and took a bite of her mashed potatoes, then I had some green beans and stuffing. The best part was when I snatched the piece of turkey she was going to eat right off her fork and ate it myself! She tried to protest and get it back but I did my *PUFF I’m bigger then you go away* thing and she wisely decided to let me just keep the piece of turkey. After I ate my fill I fussed at Mom’s water glass till she finally tilted it so I could get a drink (I made her think I was going to spill it all over if she didn’t hold it for me – am I clever or what?). Now that I had a full tummy, I climbed on Mom till I reached her shoulder, and since she had gotten all comfy on the couch I decided to get comfy on her. I gave her a kiss and snuggled into her neck and went to sleep…It’s good to be King!


At 4:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Neece.....It's so nice to read all these stories and view the cute pictures.
Thank you for allowing me to view! :-)))))))))))))))))



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