Saturday, December 04, 2004

Feathered & Flustered 2

We've Been Robbed! How did this happen?! What is going on?! Most important why are Mom and Dad so calm about it? A huge part of our couch is missing and those silly humans don't even seem concerned! I went to climb up the back of the couch to get to Mom and her dinner again and for some reason the trip across the floor was longer then usual. I figured out what was wrong, the chase lounge part of the couch was missing! MISSING!!! Do you not understand the importance of this piece of the couch?!! I worked for months to tear up the upholstery on the corner of that piece - MONTHS! - and now it's gone - all that hard work and gettin yelled at for nothing! *sob* I climbed up the back of the couch and looked around - maybe they just moved it - no, it was gone *sigh* I'm not gonna bother pickin at the parts that remain - I mean really why should I? They will just take those parts away too! *poor me* Just to show them how upset I was about all this I pooped on Dad's new couch blanket - Mom fussed at me and cleaned it right up but I don't care I'll wait till she's not looking and poop on it again! I even consulted those dumb furs that live with me - asked them if they saw the missing couch piece.....nothing. They said they were missing it too cuz the corner the chase lounge piece created was their favorite place to curl up together while our humans watched TV. Oh what have those humans done? I'm so stressed out about this I am losing my feathers! Mom says I am just molting but what does she know? She's not even upset that part of the couch is missing!


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