Monday, June 26, 2006


This is how play time goes at our house now
Sanford: Hey Grizz! Whatcha got? I wanna play too!
Grizz: Grrrrr!

Grizz: I don't want you to play - go away Grrrrr
Sanford: But Griiiizzzzzz! How bout just this little part here?

Sanford: Awww gee thanks Grizz! You're so fun to play with!
Grizz: Yeah yeah whatever just chew on it and be quiet Grrrrr

Cocoa: Hey! Whatcha guys playin with? Can I play too?
Sanford: Sure!
Grizz: Grrrrrr!

Grizz: It's mine, I had it first!
Sanford: I want it Grizz said I could play with it!
Cocoa: No, it's my turn! You two played with it a long time before me


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