Monday, June 26, 2006


So last night the furs were playin and Sanford comes trottin in our bedroom with the "chew sock" just as proud. That's how it all started. From around the corner appears Grizzly who grabs the end of the chew sock the game of tug is on. Suddenly from the computer room doors as if appearing from nowhere Cocoa grabs a piece of the sock and now the game is really on - who is going to win, who gets to trot off into the sunset (OK into the living room) with the prized chew sock? Grizz has a pretty good grip, Sanford's struggling in the middle to keep hold, but look at Cocoa - what determination, what drive, what strength! She is dragging both boys across the bedroom floor! A foot or two into this dragging Grizz relents and releases his part of the chew sock but Sanford isn't giving up so easily, no he's gonna make Cocoa work for her chew sock! What's this? The only part of Sanford still touching the ground are his back legs, Cocoa is still draggin him but now has him semi-airborne and the little man still won't give up! Cocoa figures a good trash will rid her of the little tyrant - thrash to the left then right then left again - all she has done is move Sanford to the left then the right and to the left again! Cocoa realizing her opponent is not going to release the sock gives in and drops her end. Sanford feeling the victory leaves the bedroom and starts trotting down the hallway toward the living room with his prize only to get tackled by Grizz and Cocoa from the computer room door - they no longer want the chew sock - they want a leg or an ear - but that's a whole nuther story! LOL
(Here's a pic of the layout of the back part of the house so you can see how they can run a circle from the computer room thru our room and back to the computer room.)



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