Sunday, June 25, 2006

Bad Blogger

Yes that's right our Mommy has been a bad blogger - she has neglected our blog since last November! Course you didn't really miss much between November and April - well cept some REALLY cute pictures of ME (oh and of Grizzly, Casper, and Red too) April 8th our family did some more growing in the form of a Labrador puppy! A puppy! Can you believe they did that to me?! What were they thinking?! Yeah sure he's cute at 8 weeks old but do they not realize he's going to turn into a horse?! Here's a picture of him when he joined our family. Cute huh? Yeah sure you agree with me and think he's cute cuz you don't have to deal with his puppy teeth!

(4/8/06 - 8 weeks old - 10 pounds)

Oh yeah! His name is Sanford - Daddy found him runnin in the street while he was out on a scrap run - so Daddy bein the great guy he is (he rescued me from a bad life too!) found the owner and found out they didn't want the little black ball of fur so he brought it home. Mommy was none to happy that she now had a 4th dog - that is til he slobbered all over her face and looked at her with his little puppy brown eyes - yup her anger over a 4th dog lasted all of 30 seconds (she's a soft touch for sure). Anyway they decided to name him after the original man of scrap Fred G. Sanford (from Sanford & Son for those of you that aren't familiar with 70's TV) cuz after all he was found while Daddy was out scrappin'!


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