Thursday, June 29, 2006


MAN! What did I do to deserve this?! Yeah OK so I wouldn't leave Mommy's things alone while she reorganized the computer room............

but I don't think I deserved to be put in a box! Hmmmmm wonder how I get out of here.............

AH-HA! If I just rock the box a little I'll be free!! Oh Hey, ya like the mud on my legs? I went swimmin in my pool then laid in the dirt - cool huh?! OK back to gettin out of this box..............

Monday, June 26, 2006

Kong On A Rope

*gasp* A kong on a rope! Oh I must get that! But it's out so deep!

Here little kong, come here.

Cocoa: WooHoo! HEY!! Sanford where did you come from?! This is mine! I did all the work to get it!
Sanford: Hey great, good job! Now I'm going to do to you what you have done to me all day *grab* Take your toy!

Hangin' Out

Hey Cocoa................

Can you believe I used to not like this place?

What was I thinking?! This place is GREAT!!

The Ball

Sanford: Hey Cocoa, whatcha doin?
Cocoa: See that ball? I want that ball, but it's out to far

Sanford: That ball right there?
Cocoa: Do you see any other ball?!

Sanford: Well here let me help you go out there and get it.
Cocoa: Are you nuts! I don't do deep water!

Sanford did eventually swim out and get the ball then dropped it on land so Cocoa could have it.

In the Pond

Cocoa often times felt the need to "help" Sanford with his ball

I left this one big so you can get an idea of how big the pond is at the dog park and you can see how far out Sanford went on his first day of swimming (the green spec in the middle is his ball)

Such a good fur!

Cocoa always watched him from the edge - wouldn't get out until Sanford got out

Sanford is officially a water dog!

First Water Retrieval

*splish splash* Get the ball, Get the ball, Got the ball!

Swim to the edge, Swim to the edge, Whoops wrong direction!

*paddle paddle* Hold the ball - almost there

Whew! I made it!


All Wet

Hey! Cocoa! Where ya goin?! I only got in the water cuz you said it's fun!

Oh forget this! I'm outta here!

(6/25/06 - 19 weeks old - 40 pounds)

Typical Night

Grizzly is the first one in the room-happily finds a toy to chew on and lays down minding his own business.
Enter Sanford & Cocoa-they choose a toy to tug on and wrestle over-without fail one or both of them will step on, fall over, or lay on top of Grizzly who in return lays perfectly still and continues to chew his toy as if they are not even there! LOL

You can see here just how interested in what these two are doing Grizz really is!

Cocoa & Grizz-the original buddies

Are You Crazy?!

Insanity must be a part of the qualifications to work for our cable company! The cable man was warned that Casper is very unpredictable, but he went in his run anyway! Guess he felt safer in with one unpredictable fur instead of out in the yard with the other three furs!

Cocoa & Sanford

Cocoa: Uh scuse me! This is MY rope toy!
Sanford: But you have to share, Mommy always says to share.

Cocoa: I had it first! Get your tongue out of my eye!

Cocoa: Mom! Make him stop! UGH!
Sanford: What?! I didn't do anything!

Sanford: Cocoa? I love you!
Cocoa: Love you too Sanford! *even if you are a pain in the butt sometimes*

Clean Up Time




First they play together
(Sanford is tugging Grizzly's ear-part of their "wrestling")

Then they nap together - is that not just the sweetest?!


17 Weeks Old

When Sanford first joined us 9 weeks ago at the tender age of 8 weeks old and 10 lbs we plopped him on the table and took some pics to share - Sanford's head came just a shade below the seat of the chair...........

9 weeks later at the age of 17 weeks and 34 lbs we plopped him on the same table next to the same chair (put there to keep furs off the table lol) He's grown just a bit wouldn't you say? LOL



After a hard day of throwing up in Mommy's car(on the way to & from the dog park) we must nap! Here is Sanford in his usual flop spot (right next to my puter chair) doin his best impression of a dead dog with no shame! LOL



Sure! The fact that you were the one that chewed up Mommy's white shoes will be our little secret *wink wink*

You told on me!! Just for that I'm gonna squeeze ur head!

I didn't .....ooof........tell! of me ya oaf!

HE HE HE I was the one that told on him! HE HE HE


Sanford: I'll just lay here behind Cocoa so Mommy can't see me eating this tissue.

Grizz: ppssst Sanford, look up!
Sandford: Huh? Wha....oh Hi Mommy!

Be Afraid

Sanford: Be afraid! Be very afraid!
Cocoa: By the way Grizz when he does this we are sposed to be scared *snicker*
Grizz: Scared? Scared of what?

FINE!! Since you're not going to be scared I'll just lay over here and chew on Minnie's head looking sad and pathetic! *POUT*

Rainy Days

Rainy days are just so exhausting!

Mom! Can't we nap in peace? Put the camera away!

Stuffy Love