Saturday, September 03, 2005

Dog Park 1

OMG! It's Pug Central!!

Dog Park 2

Too many for me - I'm outta here!

Dog Park 3

Time for a dip

Dog Park 4

Boy I like this swimmin stuff - I should have tried this sooner!

Dog Park 5

That was refreshing! Hey leave my butt alone!

Dog Park 6

Grizz: HELP! I'm surrounded!

Dog Park 7

I'm thinking, go in the water? Uh no!

Dog Park 8

My Feet! They are getting wet!!

Dog Park 9

Starting to think this was a real bad idea - this water is really wet!!

Dog Park 10

C'mon Grizz stop bein' such a priss - just get in the water and stand like this - it feels good on your belly

Dog Park 11

OK already! I'm in. Now what?

Dog Park 12

Now walk around a little

Dog Park 13

I'm gonna go find something else to do - Grizz is bein too prissy!

Dog Park 14

Look Mom!! A mobile chew toy!!

Dog Park 15

I just wanted to say hello - would you please remove your nose from my eye!

Dog Park 16

Is that a stuffy you have? Can I have the stuffy? Huh? Can I?

Dog Park 17

Out for a refreshing swim

Dog Park 18

That felt good - now who can I go bother?

Dog Park 19

OK it's time to go - 1st I have one stickin a nose in my eye and now this one is stickin to me like velcro!