Sunday, July 24, 2005

Casper's Bath 1

Oh sure take my picture as I marinate in shampoo! Real nice!

Casper's Bath 2

Cooperate? Stand still? You're kidding right?

Casper's Bath 3


Casper's Bath 4

I'm runnin'! I'm not gonna stand still for this!!

Casper's Bath 5

Get away! Get away! I can't get away!

Casper's Bath 6

I feel!

Casper's Bath 7

Maybe I can distract her......HEY! What's that over there?!

Casper's Bath 8

OK distracting her didn't work - I'll try the direct approach, do I look serious enough? MOM! No more water!!

Casper's Bath 9

Now that I'm clean I do feel better but SHHHHH! Don't tell Mom that!!

Casper's Bath 10

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful ;-)

Casper's Bath 11

Shhhhh! I'm on cat patrol - there is one just across the street

Casper's Bath 12

My official opinion of baths.........BLAAAHHHHKKKKK!

Casper's Bath 13

Gotta get those last few drops off!

Casper's Bath 14

Here's the door to my house, you can let me in now, I'm waiting............

Casper's Bath 15

Ahhh it's good to be back in my house

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Too Cute!

I just thought this pic was too cute not to share! It was taken thru the back door with no flash - thus Grizzly's muted color - but just look at that face!

Friday, July 22, 2005

Gone Nuts!

Cocoa has lost her mind! I let the two in this afternoon cuz it was raining they did their normal run around the house and wrestle routine. I decided I was gonna lay across the bed and read to be out of their way. After Cocoa lost interest in Grizz she turned to me. Sat right along side the bed resting her lips on the edge of the bed and looked at me - when I didn't acknowledge her as fast as she wanted me to she gave out a barooooowl and grabbed the book I was reading! Lucky for her I finished Harry Potter last night and was reading a different book! She made a lap around the house with it then dropped it in front of me - I told her she was kooky and went back to reading - she jumped up on the bed and flopped across my back and barooooowled in my ear (so special-not) I rolled her off me and she proceeded to nudge at me and grab my hands - I gave her scritches and pats then back to reading. Another barooooowl and she was pulling at the pillow under me - I shushed her away - she grabbed my shirt sleeve - I got her off that - she started nippin my arm (just her front teeth in tiny tiny bites very quickly - almost like someone imitating a rabbit eating) that of course got my attention cuz it pinched! I played with her some more shushed her off the bed and went back to reading - she made two laps around the house while baroooooowling then jumped back on the bed and grabbed my hand - I played with her some more then told her to stop - she did - for about 30 seconds! She tried nudging me, pulling the pillow out from under me, standing on me, pulling the comforter from all different corners - just as loony actin as you have ever seen a dog!

I finally put my book down, (took this picture) checked to see if it was done raining (thankfully it was), then asked if she wanted to go back outside - she was off the bed like a shot and even beat Grizz to the back door (that never happens) I opened the back door she ran out top speed came to a screeching halt at the edge of the deck flopped down and closed her eyes - she is still laying there as I type this - I swear sometimes I think this dog is on drugs! LOL Of course during all of this Grizz just sat next to the bed and watched Cocoa with a look that said "WHY are you so goofy?"