Monday, June 27, 2005

Back To The Park 1

Well this is cool - nobody holding our leashes - let's go explore!

Back To The Park 2

Walkin' la la...just walking myself

Back To The Park 3

Boy if it wasn't so hot outside I might actually run around since Mom let my leash go......who am I kidding? Me? Run? Right!

Back To The Park 4

You'd better run Danielle - I'm gonna getcha hehehehe

Back To The Park 5

I didn't think it was possible, but I do believe I am even cuter when I'm walking myself!

Back To The Park 6

ooooooo this feels good......but I don' think I'm gonna go any further

Back To The Park 7

You gonna go in? I don't think I'm gonna go in.

Back To The Park 8

You're right Grizz it does smell like wet dog hahahahaha

Back To The Park 9

Back To The Park 10

This is Richard....he's a little goofy

Back To The Park 11

Tug all ya want - I'm not goin in!

Back To The Park 12

Danielle finally found a fur to play catch in the water with

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Bark Park 1

We got to go to the bark park, we got to go to the bark park!!

Bark Park 2

What?! Go IN the water? Are you KIDDING?! No Way!

Bark Park 3

Bark Park 4


Bark Park 5

*sniff sniff*

Bark Park 6

Bark Park 7

Bark Park 8

Bark Park 9

This is all the closer I am getting to the wet dog!

Bark Park 10

Oh thank you for not sniffing my butt first!

Bark Park 11

Tweek if you don't stop jumpin on me and sniffin my butt I'm gonna have to grab your leg like I do to Cocoa

Bark Park 12

Bark Park 13

Bark Park 14

Bark Park 15

This way to the truck - c'mon let's go, I'm hot!

Friday, June 24, 2005

Bath Time 1

Oh I do so hate getting a bath!!

Bath TIme 2

HA HA HA HA you have to have a bath too!

Bath Time 3

Hey Grizz.......phhhhtttttttt

Bath Time 4

I'mmmm noooot loooookin.............

Bath Time 5

Aren't I cute all scrubbed up and clean?

Bath Time 6

What about me? I'm cute all cleaned up too!

Monday, June 20, 2005

Breakfast 1

Good Morning! Time to help Mom make breakfast!

Breakfast 2

Mom gave me my own snack plate......silly Mommy thought that would keep me in one place!

Breakfast 3

I jumped down off the top counter to the main counter to make sure Mommy was making the eggs the right way - I had a taste, they were good!

Breakfast 4

Mommy put me back on my snack plate - I pretended like I was gonna stay there........

Breakfast 5

Did you know apple tastes much better when it's not on a snack plate? hehehehehehe

Breakfast 6

Back on the plate......this game is fun! hehehehehe

Breakfast 7

Who me? Did I make this mess? Uh no, not me! You kept putting me on my plate remember? *snicker snicker*

Breakfast 8

Hey! What's that? I didn' t get any of that on MY plate!

Breakfast 9

Time to eat our real breakfast! Mommy gave me some rice, eggs with tomatoes, apple, and crackers, but Mommy's breakfast looked better then mine so I ran across the table and got on her plate. I was trying to reach the rice and ended up stepping in her eggs and on her toast guess where I ended up.............

Breakfast 10

You guessed it...........back on my plate!

The Beach 1

Look where we got to go!!

The Beach 2

Whoa! What is that!?

The Beach 3

Nope, I'm not going swimming! Tug all you want, I'm not goin any further then this!

The Beach 4

Isnt' this just great Grizz?!! Oh yeah, just wonderful.....can we go home now?

The Beach 5

OUT of the water is THIS way!

The Beach 6

Fine Grizz you be a stick in the mud I'm gonna go play with Daddy!

The Beach 7