Saturday, January 08, 2005

Lunch 1

Hmmm I see Mom is making herself some lunch - I think I need to go check this out!

Lunch 2

Let's see, bread.....bologna....cheese.....yes I do believe I need to help myself to some lunch!

Lunch 3

mmrrph muurph mmm good - this beats bird seed any day!

Lunch 4

I need to wash that down......I'm sure Mom won't mind if I take a little sip!

Lunch 5

Enough of the bread, time to chow down on some meat!

Lunch 6

I ought to eat her entire sandwich just to get back at her for calling me Lint Bird! MMM this bologna is good!

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Red Discovers Gill

Hey Mom? What is this? HA HA HA Look! He's knows the "I'm bigger then you, go away" trick - he's all puffed up HA HA HA

Monday, January 03, 2005

The Pecan 1

LOOK! I just came over to see what was going on with the pecans and to see if I could grab one - I am in no shape to have my picture taken!

The Pecan 2

So even standing on your dusty candle holder won't deter you from snapping pictures huh?

The Pecan 3

All I wanted was a nut! Stop with the pictures already! That's it, I'm hiding!!

The Pecan 4

I see you! Gimme a pecan!

The Pecan 5

OK, no nut maybe I can just make a sandwich!

The Pecan 6

What is that? You call that puny thing a pecan?

The Pecan 7

I am so not happy with you! You take picture after picture of me, call me "Lint Bird" and reward me for all this with a pecan the size of a peanut! You sure do have some nerve!

The Pecan 8

I'm going to close my eyes and when I open them back up I had better see the little pecan gone and a BIG pecan waiting for me!

The Pecan 9

That's better! But you know what? Now I don't want it. Nope, not gonna eat it. Took you too long to get me a good pecan.

The Pecan 10

I said I wasn't going to eat it - I didn't say anything about you being allowed to take it away so BACK OFF!

The Pecan 11

SQUAWK!! I am going to stand here and shake my head and scream until you give me my pecan back! SQUAWK!!

The Pecan 12


Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year

HAPPY 2005!! We would like to wish everyone a safe, healthy, happy, and prosperous new year.