Saturday, November 27, 2004

The Magnolia Spot

This is my friend JMo's blog - give it a look see cuz you never know what off the wall thing she is going to say next! ;-)
Magnolia Spot

Thursday, November 25, 2004

What's For Dinner?

Hmmmm.....wonder where Mom put that leftover turkey!

Monday, November 22, 2004

As The Fur Flies 8


It has been raining for days now – I don’t think it is ever going to stop! Grizzly, Casper, and I are afraid we are going to have to grow webbed feet to get around the backyard! Casper has his house to stay dry in and he has the choice to come out to go potty if he wants but not Grizz and I - NOOOOO we are at the mercy of Mom! For some reason she thinks after 8 hours of being inside we have to go potty – doesn’t she know by now that we know how to ask to go out?! Grizz is always ready to go outside rain or not – he just stays on the deck and pees on Mom’s plant (serves her right!). I can’t do that, I have to go out in the rain and pop a squat (sometimes being a girl really stinks!) The worst part of it all – Mom waits until I am good and comfy on my pillow then wakes me up and shoves me out the door – and she claims she loves me – whatever! Are you ready for this just because it stopped raining Mom thinks WE want to go outside and stay outside – HELLO!? Grizz might want to but I certainly don’t! Good thing Dad hadn’t put the deck furniture back in place (started raining before he could finish cleaning the deck). I used the furniture to monitor the yard Casper didn’t care about my dilemma – he just laid there in his run on his patio spread eagle on his back – has he no shame? and Grizz, well he’s no help either since it’s not raining he decided a tromp in the backyard was cool! Oh why must I be surrounded by such silly boys? Sometimes it is so hard to be me!