Friday, September 24, 2004

As The Fur Flies 7


I need to give you some info before this story starts – a few weeks ago ALG came home with a little ugly tiger print bed for Cocoa (a friend gave it to him). Cocoa immediately claimed it, dragged it to her regular pillow and laid down in it. Now mind you this bed looks like it’s for a small dog or a cat and Cocoa fits in it curled up! The bed often times does extra duty as a tug toy for Cocoa and Grizz, or just a toss around toy for Cocoa.
So the other day I am in the bathroom getting ready for work, Grizz at my feet (of course) and Cocoa…….well who knew where she was, probably still in bed, Princess Cocoa is definitely NOT a morning dog! This particular morning tho things were a bit different – Cocoa was up and full of herself. She came to the bathroom to check on me and when she saw Grizz had everything under control she disappeared – suddenly I hear flappitah flappitah flappitah and see Cocoa and her little bed over her head go sailing past the bathroom door into the living room. Now of course since it’s 5a and I am still feeling a bit groggy I was pretty sure I didn’t really see that – until she came back past the bathroom door into the bedroom with the bed bouncing off her head flappitah flappitah flappitah. Now this even got Grizz’s attention. We both stood looking at the doorway to see if she was coming back – sure enough flappitah flappitah flappitah into the living room she went. I am now in hysterics and Grizz is standing in the doorway perplexed as to how Cocoa can be so happy looking so stupid holding her bed so it flops on her head as she runs around. She did this a few more times before stopping at the bathroom door, dropping her bed at her feet, looking at Grizz and I as if we were the nutty ones, then flopping down onto her bed! She hasn’t done it since but just remembering this sight makes me laugh out loud all over again. She is such a goof!

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Cocoa & the Ugly Bed

Cocoa all curled up in her ugly bed that she put on top of her regular bed.