Thursday, August 26, 2004

As The Fur Flies 6


So tonight after work I went out back and gave everyone their usual Mommy is home from work treats, let Grizz and Cocoa inside and spent time checking Cazz's ears out and giving him scritches (ears are looking much better, healing nicely now that we are spraying Adam's on them twice a day to keep the flies away) ANYWAY after tending to Cazz I went in and flopped across the bed (it's been one of THOSE days *sigh*). Grizz decides I need company so he jumps up and curls up right next to me - well of course Cocoa couldn't stand to be left out so up she came and curled up next to Grizz. After a while the two start to tussle and play - I told Cocoa to leave Grizz alone and she does cuz she's tackling me now! LOL So she and I play for a bit then she starts lickin the back of my neck no matter how I scrunch up my shoulders she's still lickin' so I say "Grizz get your girl! Make her stop licking mommy!" He stopped her all right - no way was she reaching the back of my head cuz Grizz sat on it! ROFL Yup, kerplunk right on my head, blocking Cocoa from being able to lick - I couldn't breath, but Cocoa wasn't lickin the back of my neck anymore! LOL