Thursday, July 29, 2004

As The Fur Flies 5


OK here's the scene - Grizz was allowed back in to visit with Cocoa for a while tonight, but the only thing he had on his mind was sex (Cocoa was in heat when she got spay - it came early, wasn't sposed to happen again till Sept/Oct! Her last one ended 3.5 months ago!) I digress, Grizz wanted sex, Cocoa wanted to play, out the back door Grizz went yet again after only about a 15 minute visit - we can only stand so much attempted humping! I slung Cocoa back in the tub (a friend suggested I wipe her down again) and this time I added a bit more water and shampoo to the cloth (keeping the sutures dry) and washed Cocoa down again. Sprayed her with Adams and set her loose to roll around on the floor. While she was rolling around I put some carpet stuff down hoping it would help kill the "in heat" smell (probably won't, but I'm desperate!) Cocoa was now camped out between the back of the couch and the wall "talking" to me while I put the carpet stuff down. I told her if she wasn't happy and wanted Grizz back inside she had to talk with Daddy. She got up walked around the couch, sat in front of ALG, and let out a huge bark thus waking ALG from his snooze. Once she was certain she had his attention she started "talking" to him. I was in hysterics, ALG was confused (having been awakened so abruptly), and Cocoa was pleading her case to get Grizz back inside. I'm sure it was all a coincidence since Cocoa knows the word Daddy applies to ALG and will talk/speak on command, but boy was it funny!