Thursday, July 11, 2013


Since my last post (6 years ago) there have been a lot of changes
We no longer have any Chows - Casper and Grizzly are both Bridge kids now
Cocoa got loose from the yard a second time and was gone for good regardless of our efforts to find her
Red is still kickin, just turned 19 on July 4th
We have four new furs
Katie & Rex - Staffordshire Terriers - affectionately called The Monsters - they are both 2 (not related)
JoJo - a 3 year old chihuahua mix
Pierce - a 6 y/o American bulldog

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Red's 13th Bird-Day

I know I have been bad about this blog but havin to place Sanford just took the wind out of my sails for a while - I have a ton of pics to get up here and will eventually but today is all about Red! He turns 13 today!!

So on this soggy 4th of July morning nobody felt like cooking - McDonald's it is! We ate our fill with Red hangin off his cage shakin his head from side to side squawkin (translation: It's my birthday I am THE Bird - gimme food!)
Of course he was given what he wanted!

Red: For me? Really? This is all such a surprise!

Red: Thaaaanksssss Mom!

Red: mmmphh dis is mmphh good!

Red: Ever notice how much better food tasted when it's fed to you?

Red: Little sip of o.j. to wash things down - oh this is all so good!

Red: I know you thought this was a cute pose, so I'll do it again!

Red: I grabbed the napkin to clean my beak and now it looks like I want to wrap up and take a nap! *sigh*

Red: I am King of breakfast and this biscuit is my throne!

Red: I have been appropriately spoiled and my tummy is full - time to head back to my house

Red: OK now that I'm back home I can return to my task of trying to get the bell from the inside of my house to the outside here on the roof with me!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Very Sad Day

It's going to take me a long time to get over this day! We had to place Sanford in a shelter today *sob* He attacked Grizzly and showed aggression toward Cocoa we just can't go thru all that again. It was bad enough with Grizz and Casper. My brain knows we came to the right desicion for all furs involved but my heart just doesn't want to hear it!! I just hope and pray Sanford will get an awesome forever home and will be able to forgive me.........even tho I may never forgive myself for breaking our promise to love and care for him all his life.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Happy Bawoofday Casper!


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Vegetable Inspector

Look who came to watch while I cooked dinner tonight

of course he needed a snack to keep his strength up LOL

Hmmmm I see you are using red pepper in tonight's dinner

....let me take a closer look at know just to make sure it's safe for you to eat.....

....yup, it's safe - I give it the Red Bird stamp of approval..........happy cooking.

From The Health Department???

Red was very busy tonight - after inspecting the veggies I was using for dinner he decided to check out the contents of the fridge (I must learn to close that door after I get out what I need!)

Hmmm let's check the jelly first. Good, good, it hasn't expired

What is it you are storing up there?

I'll just climb up and take a peek

What odd looking fruit - why do they have caps on them? I guess since they have lids they are still fresh - I'll let ya make it, you have passed inspection.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Happy Bawoofday Cocoa!


Sunday, July 09, 2006

**Big Sigh**

It's so hard being a Princess.......

Some day my Prince will come and whisk me away from all this............

OH! Uh Hi Mom! You heard all that did ya? Didn't mean it, love it here!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy BirdDay Red!!


Thursday, June 29, 2006


MAN! What did I do to deserve this?! Yeah OK so I wouldn't leave Mommy's things alone while she reorganized the computer room............

but I don't think I deserved to be put in a box! Hmmmmm wonder how I get out of here.............

AH-HA! If I just rock the box a little I'll be free!! Oh Hey, ya like the mud on my legs? I went swimmin in my pool then laid in the dirt - cool huh?! OK back to gettin out of this box..............

Monday, June 26, 2006

Kong On A Rope

*gasp* A kong on a rope! Oh I must get that! But it's out so deep!

Here little kong, come here.

Cocoa: WooHoo! HEY!! Sanford where did you come from?! This is mine! I did all the work to get it!
Sanford: Hey great, good job! Now I'm going to do to you what you have done to me all day *grab* Take your toy!

Hangin' Out

Hey Cocoa................

Can you believe I used to not like this place?

What was I thinking?! This place is GREAT!!

The Ball

Sanford: Hey Cocoa, whatcha doin?
Cocoa: See that ball? I want that ball, but it's out to far

Sanford: That ball right there?
Cocoa: Do you see any other ball?!

Sanford: Well here let me help you go out there and get it.
Cocoa: Are you nuts! I don't do deep water!

Sanford did eventually swim out and get the ball then dropped it on land so Cocoa could have it.

In the Pond

Cocoa often times felt the need to "help" Sanford with his ball

I left this one big so you can get an idea of how big the pond is at the dog park and you can see how far out Sanford went on his first day of swimming (the green spec in the middle is his ball)

Such a good fur!

Cocoa always watched him from the edge - wouldn't get out until Sanford got out

Sanford is officially a water dog!

First Water Retrieval

*splish splash* Get the ball, Get the ball, Got the ball!

Swim to the edge, Swim to the edge, Whoops wrong direction!

*paddle paddle* Hold the ball - almost there

Whew! I made it!


All Wet

Hey! Cocoa! Where ya goin?! I only got in the water cuz you said it's fun!

Oh forget this! I'm outta here!

(6/25/06 - 19 weeks old - 40 pounds)

Typical Night

Grizzly is the first one in the room-happily finds a toy to chew on and lays down minding his own business.
Enter Sanford & Cocoa-they choose a toy to tug on and wrestle over-without fail one or both of them will step on, fall over, or lay on top of Grizzly who in return lays perfectly still and continues to chew his toy as if they are not even there! LOL

You can see here just how interested in what these two are doing Grizz really is!

Cocoa & Grizz-the original buddies